
Digital Literacy

DIGITAL LITERACY Living in a world of constant, growing and development in all the areas and especially in the technological area; which is an area that nowadays covers and influences most of the aspects of the human being.  We as teachers, we cannot be blind on that issue. If we have not taken it into consideration, it is time to wake up and give us the opportunity to know more about the different uses and strategies that we can implement throughout the technology either inside or outside(real or virtual) of our classrooms. Not matter if we perceive it or not, there is a new generation that has risen that is called the electronically and digital generation. Most of the messages and the communication is provided and done through the digital things. The question is are we as   teachers ready to empower our students with knowledge about this digital area? Do we know all the benefits and advantages of use the technology as a tool to promote the understanding or the ...

The role of ICT in higher education for the 21st century: ICT as a change agent for education

The role of ICT in higher education for the 21st century: ICT as a change agent for education Ron Oliver Edith Cowan University, Perth, Western Australia Abstract: Information and communication technologies (ICT) have become commonplace entities in all aspects of life. Across the past twenty years the use of ICT has fundamentally changed the practices and procedures of nearly all forms of endeavour within business and governance. Within education, ICT has begun to have a presence but the impact has not been as extensive as in other fields. Education is a very socially oriented activity and quality education has traditionally been associated with strong teachers having high degrees of personal contact with learners. The use of ICT in education lends itself to more student-centred learning settings and often this creates some tensions for some teachers and students. But with the world moving rapidly into digital media and information, the role of ICT in ...